Meet Our River Towns Team
Our agents & staff are trained to meet your real estate needs.
Introducing our unique Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Real Estate and Lifestyle Planning Guides, a tool to help clients and consumers think more strategically about real estate and their real estate decisions in preparation for lifestyle changes.
The guides helps people assess their present and future lifestyles and the considerations for life stages, such as renting vs. buying, considering move-up opportunities, moving with children and pets, downsizing by design, transitioning with multigenerational and special needs family members, and staging/merchandising your home. It helps them manage the inevitable uncertainties that may cause them to change their real estate holdings, and to better prepare for the related decisions.
The guides also includes steps to identify and set lifestyle planning goals and to memorialize all in a lifestyle plan. Shared to you at no cost to help you match your real estate goals and aspirations to the ongoing shifts in lifestyle.
Download your FREE guide today [4 pages each]:
1. Questions you should ask of your perspective real estate agent when selling your home (PDF)
2. Should you rent or buy? That depends ... (PDF)
3. When selling your home, don't select a price until you select the right pricing strategy. (PDF)
4. When a home doesn’t sell...(it isn’t just the price) (PDF)
5. Discover the difference between selling and having your home professionally marketed and networked (PDF)
6. When It's Time to Downsize (PDF)
7. Neighbors Know Best (PDF)
8. A Practical Guide to Moving with Children (PDF)
9. Make Sure Your Pets Aren't Peeved with Moving (PDF)
Please see below for some additional resources. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns 914-271-3300
(Pop Ups may have to be unblocked for links to open)
Equal Opportunity/Fair Housing
Information About Fair Housing in Real Estate
NYS Agency Disclosure
New York State Disclosure Form for Buyer and Seller (PDF)
New York State Disclosure Form for Landlord and Tenant (PDF)
Lead Booklets (Homes built prior 1978)
Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home (English PDF)
Proteja a Su Familia Contra el Plomo en el Hogar (Spanish PDF)
Hãy Bảo Vệ Gia Đình Của Bạn Khỏi Bị Nhiễm Chì Ở Trong Nhà (Vietnamese PDF)
В Вашем доме: защитите свою семью от свинца (Russian PDF)
إحم أسرتك من الرصاص الموجود في بيتك (Arabic PDF)
Badbaa di Qoyska Halista (Somali PDF)
Smoke & Carbon Monoxide
NYS Smoke Alarms (Effective 2019)
Updated Landlord & Tenant Rental Laws
Seniors Resource
Our agents & staff are trained to meet your real estate needs.
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